Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mouse's Parents' Visit

My parents were in town last weekend to visit Tex and me. Here's a couple of pictures with them and the hat. My dad took a surprising liking to the hat. It was amusing.

mouse's mom and the hat

mouse's dad and the hat

mouse's dad, mouse and the hat

a close friend saw this picture (above) and commented: You look like you're about to leave home for college. Meanwhile, dad looks like he's just back from a hard night of clubbing.

mouse's dad and the hat

millennium park and the hat

millennium park and the hat

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Errands - The Complete Series

Hat perched on Mouse's head.

Super H Mart - the Chicago branch of the NY mega Korean market
Somehow, mouse managed to just sit in the car all day while I did errands, stepping out only to take the pictures below. OK, she joined me at the Korean market and Ikea, but other than that, it was just me and the Hat running errands.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Errand Hat

The Hat got tired of hanging out in the city, so it decided to head out to the suburbs to do some shopping.

Lowe's and Ikea were just two of many stops.

It was a cold and windy day, and the Hat definitely kept one set of ears quite warm!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Hat meets its first Dog

The hat made a trip up to Andover, MN for a relaxing evening with friends. While up there, the hat made a friend with a dog...Charlotte, to be specific. She's a very energetic Labordoodle with a mind of her own. This may be one of the more unique friendships created on this earth.

Troy Esch, Charlotte's Dad

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Chillin' at Le Bar

Headed down to 'Da city Friday night to meet some of mouse's workmates. Conned some of them to don the Hat after a few bottles of cabernet.
Note the convincing air of respectability.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

It Was an Eventfull Week for the Hat

This was quite a week for the Hat. First it started the week off with its first Super Bowl. Later this week, the hat made a visit to Wells Fargo Business Credit...Exploring its future career possibilities. The the hat made a trip to its homeland...a Wild hockey game at the St Paul Excel Center. If only regular people could have such events.

The hat meets Well Fargo employees, Nicolle and Darryl

The Hat visiting its homeland

Case Closed!

The Chicago branch has fulfilled their responsibility. The Minneapolis branch was able to fulfill theirs.

Megan and Grace in the hat

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

More Family Photos

mouse and the hat

Missing Persons Report

The hat has made several new friends, as we can see from the pictures. Along with its friends, the hat has a large family. With all these pictures that have been posted, we have failed to recognized that the hat hasn't been photographed with three of its sisters...mouse, Megan and Grace. If anybody has seen the hat with these individuals, please contact the appropriate authorities. Or better yet, please post for proof that they are alive and well. The Minneapolis branch hopes to resolve Grace and Megan's abscence. Will the Chicago branch cooperate to close this case by the weekend? The public will have to wait and see.

The Hat's Travel Itineraries

I've added a section on the blog, on the right hand side. Places the hat is scheduled and requested.

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Hat's first Super Bowl

Sunday was an eventful day. First the hat visited the Original Pancake House in Edina, MN. Later that evening was the hat's first Super Bowl. Not only did the hat get to see Chicago in the Super Bowl, the hat also made many friends. First I would like to express an homage to the hat.

Ode to the Hat

Small and red
Providing warmth
To all willing to be noticed
Once Whimsical
Now launched into adventures
We vow to keep record
So as not to forget
The entertainment and friends created.

The Hat nursery





Valerie from Brittany France

Kendra and Jeremy

02.04.07: Super Bowl Sunday

hat trick

01.26.07: Annual Chinese New Year Party

Nyla and the hat

Joseph and the hat

Kaori and the hat

12.31.06: Tex Buys a Hat

On December 31st, 2006 Tex and mouse flew in for a New Year's Eve party with the crew. Mouse needed to drop off some grad school recommendations with a friend at the Mall of America. Tex and our neighbor came along for the ride. Tex wanted to look for some Minnesota themed gifts for his boss. And, he found...


the hat's first picture

the hat's first party

New Template

Something tells me I am the defacto CSS "expert" of the crowd here. Unfortunately, that's not saying much. I've updated the blog to reflect the hat's true colors. Let me know what you think of font sizing.


The Mission of the Hat

Good morning!

I figured we NEED a picture of the hat on the blog. So, until we get a better one, I've added one this morning. As time permits this week, I'll add all of the prior photos that have been taken with the hat.

I told Tex about the blog last night. And, as I see it, the hat's three missions in life:
  1. to travel far and wide or close and near - and get it's picture taken when it does
  2. to meet new friends - and convince them to take a picture with it
  3. to document reunions - although we're not sure if there'll be a break in the space time continuum if two hats meet


Sunday, February 4, 2007


WANTED There has been a evil hat on the loose! It's original name is the Minnesota Wild Hat. It can disguise it's name and they are The hat that got away, The MN hat and the fancy hat. Blog written by Grace

The revenge of the hat!

You have seen it in the stores, you have seen it on a head, but travling from head to head. I hope you get the picture. It's the revenge of the hat!!! Where will it strike next? Nobody knows. So watch out for the Wild hat!!!