Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Hat's Fairbanks, AK Trip

This is a long overdue post. John and Jean brought the Hat to visit their son in Fairbanks, AK. The hat went to the Native American exhibit at the museum at the Univ of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF). It made symbolic freinds with a totum.

The hat then went to the International Ice Carving contest where it posed in front of a Chinese team's winning carving of the Year of the Boar. The wind chill here at 10:30 pm is about 30 below.

The hat also travelled north of Fairbanks about 95 miles into the Sawtooth mountains and, after an 11 mile trek, came to Tolovana Hot Springs. The temperature when the hat took a dip was about 5 below with a 10 MPH wind.

The hat's final adventure was to go and see the festival, Chatanika Days at Chatanika, AK, about 20 miles north of Fairbanks.

The highlight of the event was the Outhouse Race. Here we have the hat posed in front of the event sign and also in front of an ice carving of that famous ediface.

Additional Korean Trip Pictures from the Jeffersons

Myeong Dong Salesman

Sandwiching a stoic guard

World Cup Fan

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Wild Hat Goes to Korea

First Class to Korea

Narita Airport

Japanese vending machines

Seoul Zoo

Minnesota wild hat in front of Minnesota timberwolf

CAUTION: shaman at work



U. S. embassy

Gyeongbokgung royal palace

Seoul World Cup Stadium

doing its part to win the World Cup

father and daughter

when you miss a shot, the coach gets angry

dinner with my cousin

mascots, secret wild hat fans

dinner with my other cousin

trading places

hard hats and the wild hat

keeping watch over the North Koreans

doing its part to reunite the world

tour guide