Thursday, June 21, 2007

Off to the Races (Auto)

The hat has been on a whirlwind tour, attending Formula 1 races in Montreal and Indianapolis!

At the track on Ile de Notre Dame

Deux Canadiens

The Racing Capital of the World - Indianapolis

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Hat attends Toni's 40th Party

June 2nd was Toni's 40th birthday party. There was a lot of merriment and music. Unfortunately, the Khim Hat in Chicago could not make the flight out. We were said for him. Fortunately, we were able to enjoy ourselves.

The three Minneapolis Hats

The Hats' first jam session

The Hats in a special performance with Mini-Bike

Another impromtu jam session

The Hat with neighbor, Omar

Great America

The Jefferson Hat from Minneapolis visited the Khim Hat residing in Chicago. Along with the Jefferson Family, their French visitor - Val, also accompanied the Hat on this trip. They all spent the day at Great America. So many roller coasters so few barf bags.

The Hat with Flash Gordon and the Green Lantern
The Hat waiting in line
The Hats waiting for Raging Bull
The Hat on its way up
The Hat survived its first roller coaster

The Hat doing the Giant Drop - 200 ft

The Hat with Superman

The Hat with the King and Queen of Mardi Gras

The Hat made it to closing time

The Reunion

This post is long overdue. The Hats had their first reunion since the conception of the Wild Hat Blog. It was on Grace's birthday. Our Rip in the Space-Time Continum theory proved to be incorrect. The universe can breathe a sigh of relief.

The Hat Women

What's wrong with my Hat?

Children of the Hat