Thursday, March 15, 2007

Spring Snow

Having lived in Minnesota, you learn that you need to have a sense of humor about the snow and winter or you won't last very long. You also need to develop a tolerance for the cold.

You might think I'm crazy but I miss the winter madness. I don't miss shoveling spring snow, but now that there's a monster snow thrower in the neighborhood, the spring snow wouldn't have been as bad either. As you can see, John's got a healthy Minnesotan attitude towards spring snow.

John and the hatJohn and the hat

this website rated G for all ages


Saturday, March 10, 2007

I'm so cool!!

Grace is so cool. She is cool, because of the Hat. It has changed her Life! She is still COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S Grace is me! And I'm still cool!!

Rejoice the Hat!

Ode to the hat,

the Wilds have won.

And now we can rejoice!

We can now be free,

from the lobsters!

We can now eat whatever

We want, when we want.

We've never felt so free!

Friday, March 2, 2007

The Hat's Chicago Trip

The Hat was in Chicago the last weekend of February. It was a social butterfly making the most unexpected friends. It made the most friends at McDonald's downtown.

A girl and her Grandpa

A mom and her child. The mom is concerned mouse is not warm enough.

Troy and a sidewalk cleaner

Grace with a boy and his sister

Tex and Ronald McDonald

Grace with McDonald's across the street

Troy in front of Huge Lance

Headliners at the Planetarium

What the Hat would look like in a black hole

The hat on a Planetarium model

Sara & mouse

Troy & Tex in front of the skyline

It's a Wild Fire!

The year of the Boar in China Town

The Hat at it's first show, Wicked